Whiffed 5/2 & 10/ 2020

I drew all of these comics in pencil, and I have only recently started to ink them (hence the variance in quality on the pages I drew in ball point pen). I thought I had enough of a buffer to be able to keep a month ahead in inked pages but, alas, these posts have caught up. Hopefully this little glimpse into the future is a balm for your disappointment in me.

Scary times 4/ 24 & 26 /20

Both of these experiences were really scary for me. I was getting the hardware for the skate ramp and took the kids with me, all the time second guessing my decision making as a responsible adult. I think this was the first time I encountered just how much separation there was between how I understood COVID-19 and how others understood it.

The bike accident was the first time I realized how frightening a dentist or ER visit would be. That was the end of us being able to ride or skate in the parking lot of the apartment complex next to our house.