4/13 & 4/15 2020

Again, the perils of doing these in pen. Of course, I could clean this all up in an editing software, but I think there is something to seeing at theist some of these in the messy state they were created. Here is the transcription in case you can’t read the chicken scratch:

P1- “Dad, want to meet my sister?” “Sure!”

P2- “Her name is Clarinet!” (Twigs)

P3- “Can she go in the house?” “No, she will make too much of a mess hon.”

P4-“But we were going to have a sleepover!” “How are kids supposed to make it through quarantine?”


P1- I haven’t been paying much attention to the news lately. (Trump says maybe we can go back in May)

P2- Stuff seems pretty normal, so all of this kinda makes sense. We need to start making a plan for returning

P3- I don’t really want things to go back I think. It’s nice being together so much.

P4- Then I stumble across info about how bad the virus really is and feel bad for thinking about myself so much. 10,000+ have died in NY.

4/1l-4/12 2020

I was drawing all of my comics in pencil at this time and only started going over them in ink recently. There was a sometimes fun sense of commitment and permanence to drawing in pen, but you can really see a quality difference in both the drawing/writing itself and in the quality of the scan.